As the Chairman of the Students’ association known as the Environmental Watch Association of Tanzania, Ghaamid represented Sokoine University of Agriculture as an attendee funded by the World Bank. Ghaamid, […]
Ghaaamid Abdulbasat Hatibu, A 2nd Year student of B.Sc. Environmental Sciences and Management. Once again for the 2nd time has won the 1st prize in a worldwide photo competition under […]
SUASO leaders Listening to agricultural expert explaining how to handle horticultural farming shortly after visiting the annual Eastern Zone Agricultural shows( nanenane) in 8th August 2018 in Morogoro at Nane […]
International Students’ Association of Sokoine University of Agriculture (ISASUA) Cultural Day is an event which brought together members, local students (Tanzanians) and all international students from other universities within and […]
On 29/04/2018 Sokoine University of Agriculture Students had a privilage to attend the university BARAZA as the requirement of our constitution Article 28(3). Student had a chance to hear the […]
You can watch live the sucession ceremony of SUA Reitired Vice Chancellor Prof. Gerald Monela to New Vice Chancellor Prof Raphael Chibunda click here —–>>
All SUASO Members are informed that on 29th April 2018 from 15:00 pm at Solomon Mahlangu Freedom square (SMC Campus) there will be a University BARAZA which is conducted as […]
Rejea kichwa cha habari hapo juu Yafuatayo ni majina ya wanafunzi ambao hawaweka sahihi kwenye mikopo yao ya ada, hivyo mnaombwa kufika ofisi ya mhasibu mapema ili kufanya zoezi hili […]
This week, the Sokoine University of Agriculture’s community and other stakeholders from agriculture sectors are participating in the Sokoine Memorial Week to commemorate, celebrate and honor the life and legacy […]
The foloowing are the names of various representatives that will be representing SUASO in various academic and board meeting towards discussing and approval of semester 1,3,5,7,9 results. CR’s should take […]